Walk on the Land, Treasure Hunt, Gather at Architect’s House

Sunday, October 27, 2013
4:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Architect's House

Visit the future site of Ravens’ Roost Cohousing.  We’ll give you a tour of where the various parts of the cohousing will be located.  Bring the kids for a treasure hunt on the land!  You can choose to walk the perimeter of the site and stay on pavement, or we can tour you around the spruce / birch forest.  If you opt to walk in the woods, we will not always be on trails, so please wear appropriate footwear.  Please park on the wooded side of Mountain Brook Court, right before Valley Brook Circle.

Afterwards, stroll a block to our architect’s house for a bite to eat.  Meet more members and check out our displays, including a 3-dimensional wood model of our site plan.

We look forward to meeting you!