Land & Location

Features of Ravens’ Roost Cohousing’s land and location:

  • Southern exposure
  • Mostly open, landscaped area with some gardens and gathering areas. Some open wooded areas of white spruce and birch.
  • Off of Abbott Road, about halfway between Lake Otis Parkway and Elmore Road.
  • Across Abbott Road from Ruth Arcand Park
  • Paved trails along Abbott Road and Elmore Road:
    • 1/2 mile to Abbott & Lake Otis commercial area
    • 1/2 mile to Elmore Road. Can then continue on paved trail to Elmore Park & trailhead, Campbell Creek Trail, U-Med District, Chester Creek Trail to Westchester Lagoon and Coastal Trail (take north to downtown or south to Kincaid Park)
  • 1 mile to Trailside Elementary & Service High School
  • 3/4 mile to Hanshew Middle School
  • 1 mile to Hillside Ski Trails
  • New People Mover bus stop will be added at edge of property

Abbott Road Cohousing map

The below panorama photo is, of course, distorted. This is the south side of Ravens’ Roost during one of our outdoor gatherings: