Workshop at Bioneers in Alaska

Saturday, October 27, 2012
10:45 am - 12:15 pm

Rasmuson Hall, University of Alaska Anchorage

Anchorage is one of 24 locations across the country that will serve as a “satellite site” of the 23rd annual Bioneers Conference ( in Marin, California.  Bioneers in Alaska ( will run Friday, October 26 through Sunday, October 28.  Workshops will be held at UAA’s Rasmuson Hall, while satellite presentations will be shown at Wendy Williamson Auditorium, near the corner of Lake Otis Parkway & Providence Drive.

The Ravens’ Roost Cohousing workshop at Bioneers in Alaska will provide an update on our progress, and an opportunity to learn more details about the discount we’re offering through October 31, equal to 50% of investment toward a future home.

The acclaimed annual National Bioneers Conference is a pre-eminent leading-edge knowledge forum where brilliant social and scientific innovators illuminate breakthrough solutions for restoring people and planet. As a network of networks, Bioneers connects people with solutions and each other in an inspiring celebration of the applied genius of nature and human ingenuity.

As a community of leadership, thousands of engaged leaders, groups and citizens connect with each other in a fertile field of opportunity oriented to innovative action. Participants come from diverse walks of life, cultures, disciplines, and sectors, including civil society, education, science, the arts, technology, media, government and business.

You can connect with kindred spirits to build a rich legacy of social and ecological transformation to co-create a healthy, diverse, just and verdant future people and planet.

The 23rd annual conference will feature well-known leaders as well as “the greatest people you’ve never heard of.”

Bioneers Conference co-founder Kenny Ausubel writes:

“When people ask me what the Bioneers Conference is, I say it’s a natural anti-depressant. As someone all too well informed about the magnitude of the destruction and intractable predicaments our world uniquely faces today, I’m grateful I also have the privilege of a job that amounts to a kind of “star search” for the greatest social and scientific innovators of our time. When you’re immersed in the inspiration of BioneersWorld and constantly learning about breakthrough solutions for people and planet, it’s simply impossible not to have hope.

Like just about everyone else at the conference, I become color-saturated with the dazzling brilliance, heart, courage and astonishing effectiveness of these truly amazing people and their over-the-leading-edge projects.”

“Occasionally a conference can, by the strength of its vision, create a whole new context within which to understand an issue. It can also build a network among people in related but separate fields of activity. The Bioneers Conference achieves all this, and more—being there changes the way one views the landscape of the environmental movement. Bioneers is central to the re-imagination of what it means to be human.”

– Paul Hawken, author and social entrepreneur