Wednesday, July 30, 2014
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Ravens' Roost Cohousing
It is with mixed emotions that we announce the clearing of forest to allow for anticipated construction of our buildings next spring. We are excited to be moving forward in this tangible way, but also feel sad about clearing the forest.
Due to our design of clustered homes, we will actually be saving a lot of forest, in comparison with what we could have done. Our zoning allowed us to build 50 homes, but we are building only 35 (plus common house), and they are relatively small homes. We are also saving forest by parking on the periphery of our site, instead of building roads and driveways that would wind throughout our acreage.
On Wednesday, July 30, we invite you to join us for a Dedication of our Forest Conservation Area and Acknowledgement of Forest Clearing. Bring the kids. Please park on the wooded side of Mountain Brook Court.
We will gather on the northeast corner of our land, which we consider to be the most beautiful part of our site. There, we will dedicate a “Communi-Tree” that will symbolize our commitment to preserve as much of the natural environment as possible, including the planting of trees and plants after construction. We will also acknowledge the sad and unfortunate need to clear the forest where construction is anticipated to start next spring, and will prepare ourselves with a silent walk through part of the area to be cleared. Forest clearing will begin in early August.
In the open, grassy area near the future location of our Common House, we will share food and conversation, as well as our displays: a wood model of our site, our updated renderings, photos from other cohousing neighborhoods across the country, and floor plans for 35 homes and our 3800 square-foot Common House.
If the weather is poor, we will still do the Dedication and silent walk in the forest, but we will share food and displays at the home of our architect a block away at 8909 Valley Brook Circle.