Walk on Land & Gather at Architect’s House

Sunday, December 14, 2014
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Ravens' Roost Cohousing

See the land on which Ravens’ Roost will be built!  The tour will start at 2:10, but late arrivals can request a later tour.  Wear boots or snowshoes if you want to walk on the land; it’s also possible to walk part of the perimeter on streets and sidewalks.  We’ll show you where the different buildings will be located.

Afterwards, stroll a block to the home of our architect (and member) at 8909 Valley Brook Circle.  There, meet our friendly and active members, enjoy food and drink, and see our displays:  a wood model of our site, architectural renderings, photos of cohousing neighborhoods around North America, and a map of amenities in our part of town.  Bring the kids!