Saturday, November 15, 2014
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Ravens' Roost Cohousing
Come see the progress we’ve made on the land since August! We’ve cleared some of the forest to make way for our buildings. Although it’s sad to cut trees, we’ve milled some into lumber that we will use. At 3:10 the tour of the land will begin, but late-comers can request a later tour.
After walking the land, stroll a block to our architect’s home at 8909 Valley Brook Circle. There, enjoy refreshments, meet our friendly and active members, and see our displays, including architectural renderings, a wood model of our site plan, photos from other cohousing neighborhoods across North America, and floor plans for our Common House and 35 homes. Learn how cohousing can enrich your life.
Kids are warmly welcome!