Walk on the Land

Wednesday, May 29, 2013
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

William Clark Chamberlain Equestrian Center

Join us for a walk on the future site of Ravens’ Roost Cohousing.  You will be able to choose to walk through relatively flat spruce / birch forest, or you can simply look at the land from the bike path.  If you want to walk through the forest, be sure to wear appropriate footwear — we will not always be on trails.

Park in the first parking lot of the William Clark Chamberlin Equestrian Center, 3900 Abbott Road.  (The Equestrian Center is on the south side of Abbott Rd, between King David Dr. and Cathedral Place on the north side of Abbott.)  We will meet you there at 6:30, and together we’ll walk to the land.  Afterwards, those who are interested can share snacks at the Ruth Arcand Park Shelter.

This is an opportunity to meet some of our members, as well as see the site.

Please do not walk on the site unaccompanied.  We own only part of it, with a contract on the rest.  The original owners still live on the property, and we need to respect their privacy.