“Cohousing: Enrich Your Life!” by Mass. Cohousing Architect Mary Kraus

Monday, July 30, 2012
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Wilda Marston Theater at Loussac Library

Mary Kraus is a cohousing architect with Kraus-Fitch in Massachusetts, “Top 10 Green Architects of 2005.”  She will describe the concept of cohousing and give an update on the project off of Abbott Road in Anchorage.  Cohousing can be a more fun, interesting, and sustainable way to live because you have 35 neighbors who are eager to get to know each other, share skills, share stories, play, eat together, etc.  Because some amenities are shared, people are more likely to carpool or take the bus, and buildings are super energy efficient, cohousing is more ecologically sustainable than conventional housing.

Mary Kraus has designed many cohousing neighborhoods in the Northeast and Canada, and lives at Pioneer Cohousing. At the time of this presentation, she will have just finished facilitating the Abbott Cohousing group on designing their Common House.

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