Wednesday, February 28, 2018
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Ravens' Roost Cohousing
Ravens’ Roost residents have a lot to share: talents, stories, experiences, hobbies, skills, and more. Presentations by our members provide us with an opportunity to get to know our residents better and hear about their interests and passions. Tony is a returned Peace Corps volunteer and UAF Professor Emeritus who now volunteers with a non profit that provides educational opportunities to women in rural El Salvador. His “Tony Talk” will focus on life in rural El Salvador as well as stories about some of the participants in the scholarship program.
After the presentation, you’ll have a chance to see the common house, playroom, workshop, and guest rooms, as well as the Phase II units. Refreshments will be served and kids are welcome to hang out in the playroom during the event – bring the whole family! The entrance to the neighborhood is off of Little Brook Street, just north of Abbott Road. From Little Brook, take your first right onto Nuthatch Place and you’ll see the parking lot on the right, just south of the atrium. Enter the common house, which is at the east end of the parking lot.