Walk on the Land, Gather at Architect’s House

Saturday, January 31, 2015
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Ravens' Roost Cohousing

Check out the site for Ravens’ Roost. Site tour will start at 2:10, although late-comers can request a later tour. Afterward, stroll a block to our architect’s home at 8909 Valley Brook Circle.  Meet our members, enjoy refreshments, and check out architectural renderings, a wood model of our site, photos from other cohousing neighborhoods across North America, and floor plans for our Common House and 35 homes. Bring the kids!

This event was originally scheduled for Sunday, February 1st but was rescheduled due to it conflicting with the Super Bowl.  However, we will be able to provide an additional land walk on Sunday at 2 pm to people who are only able to attend that day.